In normal Sessions, the Media Team usually documents the Session Elements like Teambuilding and Committee Work with loads of photos and videos. Here at Milano 2021, we are unfortunately limited in using photos, as we can only see each other through the laptop screen. Here you can find the best photos and screen recordings from the session, as well as videos and documentation all session elements.
All Session Participants met right after the Opening Ceremony for General Teambuilding. The task there was to create an overview of the location of participants and to share a fun fact about their individual country.
The teambuilding game resulted in this Digital Map of Europe.
The Teambuilding gathered all of the participants of each committee together on Microsoft Teams, in their respective groups. The delegates were able to get to know each other through a series of selected games, hosted and curated by their chairpersons.
Digital Milano IS proves, that even during isolation and separation, people are still able to connect through different corners of the world if a common goal and value unites them.
On the morning of Day 3, the Participants of Milano IS had the chance to talk with Sara Fornasiero, a free-lancer with thorough experience in Corporate Governance, Risk Management, Sustainability Internal Audit, and Compliance fields, with focus on complex and regulated environment. The talk was focused on gender equality in the workplace and Sara's experience with it. Delegates were interested to hear the small and big problems Sara encountered in her career and were eager to ask her questions about handling and changing gender inequalities at the workplace and in society in general.
In the early morning, participants had an opportunity to practice yoga with Rosita Pompili.
Rosita began the morning with an important message, highlighting the significance of sustainability. Proceeding with a soft meditation to relax the mind and conducing with yoga exercises. The participants enjoyed the morning activity and proceeded with the day with a peaceful mindset.
In the early morning, participants had an opportunity to practice yoga with Rosita Pompili.
Rosita began the morning with an important message, highlighting the significance of sustainability. Proceeding with a soft meditation to relax the mind and conducing with yoga exercises. The participants enjoyed the morning activity and proceeded with the day with a peaceful mindset.